Press | Entering data in Datasheet or Form view |
F2 | To make the insertion point visible |
CTRL+SEMICOLON (;) | To insert the current date |
CTRL+COLON (:) | To insert the current time |
CTRL+ALT+SPACEBAR | To insert the default value for a field |
CTRL+APOSTROPHE (') | To insert the value from the same field in the previous record |
CTRL+PLUS SIGN (+) | To add a new record |
CTRL+MINUS SIGN (-) | To delete the current record |
SHIFT+ENTER | To save changes to the current record |
ESC ESC | Undo the changes you have made to the current record |
ESC | Undo the changes you have made to the current field |
SPACEBAR | To switch between the values in a check box or option button. To perform the action assigned to the selected button; select or clear the check box |
CTRL+ENTER | To insert a new line |
CTRL+TAB or CTRL+PgDn | To switch to the next tab in a dialog box |
CTRL+SHIFT+TAB or CTRL+PgUp | To switch to the previous tab in a dialog box |
F4 or ALT+DnArrow | To open a combo box |
ALT+DnArrow | To open the selected drop-down list box |
Press | Editing controls in Form and Report Design view |
CTRL+RightArrow | To move the selected control to the right |
CTRL+LeftArrow | To move the selected control to the left |
CTRL+UpArrow | To move the selected control up |
CTRL+DnArrow | To move the selected control down |
SHIFT+DnArrow | To increase the height of the selected control |
SHIFT+RightArrow | To increase the width of the selected control |
SHIFT+UpArrow | To reduce the height of the selected control |
SHIFT+LeftArrow | To reduce the width of the selected control |
Press | Editing Properties and Methods of controls |
CTRL+F2 | To edit an SQL RowSource in the Query Designer. And to invoke a builder when in other properties. |
SHIFT+F2 | To open the Zoom box to conveniently enter expressions and other text in small input areas |
ALT+ENTER | To display a property sheet in Design view |
F7 | To check spelling |
Press | Other operations |
CTRL+G | To display the Immediate window in the Visual Basic Editor (VBE) |
F2 | To rename a selected object |
F11 | To display the Database window |
ALT+F11 | To switch between the Visual Basic Editor and the previous active window |
CTRL+F | To open the Find tab in the Find and Replace dialog box (Datasheet view and Form view only) |
CTRL+H | To open the Find tab in the Find and Replace dialog box (Datasheet view and Form view only) |
F5 | To switch to Form view from form Design view |