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Entering Data

PressEntering data in Datasheet or Form view
F2To make the insertion point visible
CTRL+SEMICOLON (;)To insert the current date
CTRL+COLON (:)To insert the current time
CTRL+ALT+SPACEBARTo insert the default value for a field
CTRL+APOSTROPHE (')To insert the value from the same field in the previous record
CTRL+PLUS SIGN (+)To add a new record
CTRL+MINUS SIGN (-)To delete the current record
SHIFT+ENTERTo save changes to the current record
ESC ESCUndo the changes you have made to the current record
ESCUndo the changes you have made to the current field
SPACEBARTo switch between the values in a check box or option button. To perform the action assigned to the selected button; select or clear the check box
CTRL+ENTERTo insert a new line
CTRL+TAB or CTRL+PgDnTo switch to the next tab in a dialog box
CTRL+SHIFT+TAB or CTRL+PgUpTo switch to the previous tab in a dialog box
F4 or ALT+DnArrowTo open a combo box
ALT+DnArrowTo open the selected drop-down list box

Editing Form and Report Controls

PressEditing controls in Form and Report Design view
CTRL+RightArrowTo move the selected control to the right
CTRL+LeftArrowTo move the selected control to the left
CTRL+UpArrowTo move the selected control up
CTRL+DnArrowTo move the selected control down
SHIFT+DnArrowTo increase the height of the selected control
SHIFT+RightArrowTo increase the width of the selected control
SHIFT+UpArrowTo reduce the height of the selected control
SHIFT+LeftArrowTo reduce the width of the selected control

Properties and Methods

PressEditing Properties and Methods of controls
CTRL+F2To edit an SQL RowSource in the Query Designer. And to invoke a builder when in other properties.
SHIFT+F2To open the Zoom box to conveniently enter expressions and other text in small input areas
ALT+ENTERTo display a property sheet in Design view
F7To check spelling


PressOther operations
CTRL+GTo display the Immediate window in the Visual Basic Editor (VBE)
F2To rename a selected object
F11To display the Database window
ALT+F11To switch between the Visual Basic Editor and the previous active window
CTRL+FTo open the Find tab in the Find and Replace dialog box (Datasheet view and Form view only)
CTRL+HTo open the Find tab in the Find and Replace dialog box (Datasheet view and Form view only)
F5To switch to Form view from form Design view

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